
I enjoy researching house and street histories for my walks and books, and I also accept commissions from residents and local businesses, drawing on decades of research and writing experience.

If you have recently moved into your home, or have lived there for many years, you might be curious to find out more about its past, when it was built and who lived there previously, as well as the broader evolution and social and cultural conditions of the street and locale. Perhaps you have found objects fallen through cracks or behind walls or when digging in your garden, or you have heard stories from neighbours. Or p
erhaps you are a local business wishing to draw upon the history of your building to cement your place in the neighbourhood, or wish to create a booklet, online resource, or small exhibition on wall space. Get in touch if you don’t have time to carry out research yourself, or need a helping hand getting started!

I also share insights into the histories of homes through a
 range of local educational and community projects. These include Thinking Home, a project for primary schools, tailored to the curriculum, exploring the different meanings, experiences and spaces of home and how these have changed. The project involves local history tours focusing on the people who once lived in the local streets, museum visits, and children get hands-on conducting oral history interviews with older adults about their different experiences of home in the past.

I also offer 
tailored fieldtrips and talks for schools and universities. These build on my years of experience leading fieldtrips as a geography lecturer – from visits to individual buildings and streets, to large-scale residential trips exploring whole cities.

For more information on your research and educational requirements, and details on prices, drop me an email or send me a message by clicking on the ‘Contact’ button below.